Friday, August 28, 2009

The Actual Trip

The trip to Muncie was really something else. First of all, I meant to leave at about 7PM on the 17th, but actually left at 1AM on the 18th because I was still desperately trying to get my shit together. I thought I was going to be much sadder leaving Baltimore, but I was so tired and wrung out that I was just happy to finally be on the road. There was the obligatory wailing from the cats, but it really was not nearly as bad as I’d anticipated. The dogs were excellent for the whole ride, and of course Iago is a champion traveler.

I was the main problem; I’d been up since five the previous morning and had worked my but off in the heat all day, plus I’d been too whacked out to sleep well for several weeks. Somewhere in the Appalachians I started to hallucinate. It was foggy in the valleys, and whenever I descended into a fog bank I thought I saw a black bear (or sometimes several bears) getting ready to dart into the road in front of my car. Had such a cavalcade of suicidal bears existed, doubtless my zoo and I would have perished in a fiery cartwheel of death. At around 5:30Am I had to pull over in a podunk little town in Pennsylvania and sleep for about 45 minutes. After that, I was good to drive again. I pulled into the driveway of the Muncie house a little before noon, got the varmints settled, and then Scott and I immediately had to drive to Indianapolis to return my rented car.

I was finally in Muncie! My little apartment was bigger than I remembered it being, and it looked weirdly empty; I had so many animals (and their gear) to crowd into the car, the only other things I could bring with me were my laptop, a camping cot, a backpack and a small suitcase. I did at least remember my favorite bottle opener and wineglass – a girl’s got to have her priorities!

Next entry:
Weird Stuff in the Apartment and Mover Hell

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rum, Sodomy and the Lash.

Okay, there's no sodomy and the lash is quite absent, but at least there's rum. Whaler's rum, a brand I've never heard of, but I can't find Gosling's Black Seal in this godforsaken town.

Finally have my computer desk together, so I can actually sit upright and write. Sorry about the silence over the last week - I was too whacked out and it was too hard to type with this thing(laptop) on the floor. Will update more tomorrow. Now need a shower and bed! Maybe I'll even figure out how to post pictures tomorrow.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Two Days, Four Hours and Thirty Minutes to Go

Decided to start a blog for the fam and friends to chronicle my voyage to the Midwest. So far it sucks; almost everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. The movers were more than $1000 over their phone estimate, but it was too late to really get anyone else. I fell down the stairs. I accidentally packed my last paycheck which is now on the moving truck. I'm not going to get done everything I wanted to around the house, which totally sucks - I don't want to leave a big mess for Mom. Oscar has another ear infection. Am surviving on fluoxetine, clonazepam and white wine (I'm out of rum). I keep telling myself that in a couple of months this will be a funny story.

More later - must prime the living room walls.